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megami by kenjifreaks

Love you 愛の女神
君のそばに いたくて オレは何もかも失う
今夜ひとりじゃ とても いられそうにないのさ

浅い 夢の メロディー
途切れとぎれの 歌のように つながらずにいるのさ
どうせオレ達 星屑のように

  消えてゆく 運命 だから

Baby I miss you 君を
オレだけの ものに 独り占めにしたいのさ
月と星とfiower 君のために用意した

甘い 愛の 罠に
さあ かけて おくれ オレは簡単にはまるさ
   夏を越え 冬まで ずっと

オレのたった ひとりの 女神
遠い海鳴りのように 君を求め続ける
時の果てで 寄り添い

   同じ夢 抱いた ままで

Love you
Goddess of love
It want to be on your side and I lose everything
I do not seem to be at all alone tonight

Shallow dream melody
It doesn't connect like the song of the becoming interrupted becoming interrupted

Because we destine to disappear stardust
like anyway
I call your name in the far sky

Baby, I miss you
It is one only in mine as for you
I prepared the moon, the star,
and the flower for you

Please multiply by the trap of sweet love
I hang easily

Exceed summer at June night for a long time until winter
I am like a prisoner

Goddess only of one of me
It keeps requesting you like far rumbling of the sea

It draws close by outskirts at time.
Until sleeping in you with the same dream embraced

*The meaning of megami is a goddess
I think that the shade of meaning of the muse is strong for this lyrics.

新曲UP(2010-05-17 15:10)

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Posted by kenjifreaks at 13:55│Comments(0)songs